The Signal Impressions


I’m just going to say this right here: I really don’t know what happened in this movie. The plot seemed completely nonsensical,  and the editing really made no logical sense. It probably would lend itself to another viewing, but it’s late and a rental copy so that probably won’t happen for a while. The acting from the main cast was decent, with Laurence Fishburne doing the greatest job here. That being said, much of the script was awful, and really could have used a rewrite. Overall it came off as pretentious.

What did The Signal do right? Well, quite a bit actually. The special effects were better than a lot of major Hollywood releases with budgets ten times as large as the (relatively) miniscule 4 million dollars used here. The director, William Eubank was trained as a cinematographer, and that shows. Every shot in this movie was done near perfectly. Give Eubank a better, more grounded story and a decent script and I can see him doing something amazing. With The Signal, that greatness is very hard to see.

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